About EverythingOP.com and Quaker Days
EverythingOP.com started as (and still is) QuakerDays.com, the authoritative calendar of the events taking place during Orchard Park’s annual Quaker Days celebration held at the end of July.
As this calendar became more popular, we began using it to publicize events above and beyond just those taking place during Quaker Days, such as the Independence Day parade, fireworks, the OP Festival of the Arts, the Buffalo Bills schedule, OP Symphony Orchestra, OP Public Library, and much more!
As a community service for not-for-profit and religious organizations in Orchard Park, NY, we are pleased to offer free event listings on this site. If you have an upcoming community event, please feel free to add your event here.
Companies are also invited to submit events. The cost for publicizing events will depend upon the duration and frequency of your event(s). Please email us and we will contact you by telephone to discuss.
All submissions will be reviewed before going live. By making a submission you agree that we reserve the right, without notice and in our sole discretion, to refuse publication or to remove any posting for any reason, including those submissions which appear to be falsified, inappropriate, or infringe against the intellectual property rights of a third party.
By making a submission you also agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us and our employees, officers, directors, successors, and assigns harmless from all judgments, claims, lawsuits, causes of action, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from any claim by a third party regarding a submission or the contents of a submission.
Sponsorship Opportunities
A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available. Please complete the Contact Us form for more information.